Marine Biology Day 5

Today concluded our first week, it is very strange how fast this week has gone by. Today we focused on two main topics: the different zones of the ocean and plankton. To begin with the ocean is a complex system consisting of many zones with different properties. The first are the Benthic zones which are the bottom most zones...

Marine Biology- day 5

Today in class we learned about oceanic levels, organisms, and the role of viruses in the water. The levels in the ocean arearranged based on depth and amount of life. Photosynthetic organisms live near the suface because there is more sunlight for the organisms to convert into energy. The other organisms will live deeper in the water. Secondly, we...

Day 5: Halfway through the classroom portion!

We are halfway through the classroom portion of the course here at Jesuit. Today, the students practiced reading and using topographic maps and marine charts to calculate bearings and nautical miles, so we don't get lost in the Virgin Islands....We have also been reading and critiquing recent research articles pertaining to marine science. See the pictures below showing the guys...

Day 4 – Waves of Knowledge

Yesterday, we discussed some of the things that go on physically in the ocean. Some of these things, like waves, currents, and the chemical makeup of water all effect how marine life can move, function, and survive in the ocean. Currents help circulate the water and help animals which cannot move (e.g. plankton) travel. I also learned that the...

Day 4

Day 4 of 10 and we're almost halfway through the in class portion of the class! It's weird to think that in about a week, I will already be packing for the trip to the BVI. Today we learned about tides, waves, and currents. Finally, I see the direct connection to what we will be learning in the BVI....

Day Four – Colin Taylor

Oh my is it late, but thanks for the read anyway. Unfortunately as the class has gotten more has my schedule. But alas, I shall begin. Today we learned about, waves, tides and currents, and (suprise! Once again) I was given the task of connecting them to marine biology. Well because I'm exhausted I'll make it short and...

Marine Bio: Day 4

Today marks off the fourth day of my Marine Biology course (this week just flew by didn't it). I found today to be rather interesting (no, not just because we were served pizza) because we addressed subjects I had always been curious about and, for whatever reason, never made the effort to look for answers. The abnormal weather phenomenon known...

Day 3

Today in class we discussed waves, tides and currents and the effect they have on the earth. I especially found the currents interesting. The currents, rivers of circulating water, are caused by winds that are affected by the correolis effect. This causes the winds in the northern hemisphere to move clockwise and winds in the southern hemisphere to move...

Fore… Drivin 4ward

Well as always today was a hard but fun class. It started out just as usual. We went over last nights readings about how some marine life have adapted to living with little oxygen available. We then began our disscussion on currents and tides. We first began by disscussing the chemical side of how the ocean is made up....