Day Five – Colin Taylor

Once again, I'm the late blogger, but alas, I hear slow and steady wins the race! On to the meat of this post, today we learned about the zonation of the ocean, (yes I realize this is the thrid time you will be thinking to yourself, why on earth, is this in a marine biology course). Well other than...

Day 15

Today was the another great day and the last day of scuba diving in the BVI. I woke up today to the sound of fierce rain. The trees outside were swaying from side to side and then one of our bug screens flew off the window. I fell back to sleep. Then 8:20 came, Doc and Mr. Kirby were...

Day 2 – The First Steps

After a brutal introductory class, we took our first steps today in becoming marine biologists. Dr. Gruninger refreshed our memories as he overviewed the scientific method. Using his own experiments from his study at Texas A&M, Dr. Gruninger showed how he took a simple question about the natural world and turned it into a controlled, organized experiment which used data...

Marine Biology Day 8

Today marked the half way point of the second week, and boy was today fun. So to begin the class we discussed these two very interesting articles. The first was about the mimic octopus and the second was about ecotourism and its effects on great whites. The mimic octopus is a magnificent creature which has evolved itself and adapted over...

The final day

I never thought this day would come, the last day of the trip...Today started normally at 8:30 on the main road waiting for our taxi. The taxi took us to the marina for breakfast and then we went off to work! Community service was fun, we had some quality bonding time with our classmates. We painted a shed, cleaned...

First day in the BVI

Today was AMAZING. There really isn't another way to describe it. It was fantastic. We started off the day by waking up at 7:30 and immediately going to breakfast to get briefed on the week. After our briefing we discussed different impacts of humans on marine ecosystems and vice versa. We discussed the different negative implications that humans can...

First day

Hi im Rob, The two things i would like to learn about marine biology are how certian environments help and hinder certian organisms and why certain organisms live in certain places My favorite marine organism is the walrus I have been diving 2 times in the past 2 years over off the coast of cozumel an island owned by mexico

Second day of class

Today in class, we started by reading and reviewing two articles. One of the articles was about how climate change affects fish migration paterns in the North Sea. We also looked at several different and interesting fields in which a Marine biologist might work. My partner scientist Connor Beach looked specifically at research scientists. These scientists work in...

Marine Biology day 9

Today in class we learned about echolocation in dolphins, the nervous system in a dogfish shark, and effects of temperature on Elkhorn coral. Dolphins use clicks to sense where its prey is and make a more precise assumption on where it may move. They increase their number of clicks per second as they close in on their prey to...