Day Four – Colin Taylor


Oh my is it late, but thanks for the read anyway. Unfortunately as the class has gotten more intense…so has my schedule. But alas, I shall begin. Today we learned about, waves, tides and currents, and (suprise! Once again) I was given the task of connecting them to marine biology. Well because I’m exhausted I’ll make it short and sweet. Tides can put animals such as the epaulette shark into apoxic water conditions, thus allowing us the ability to study an animal that can supersaturate its hemoglobin to survive. Or in short, we see darwin’s theory in action. A change is presented and the animal will either die, or adapt. furthermore, currents and waves, stir up the ocean thus continuing the hypoxic environment most animals are used to. Furthermore it stirs the different temperature water and they bring animals to different ecosystems, thus helping to encourage bio diversity. Sorry for any lack of coherency, please feel free to ask any questions.

Awesome pic of the day
