Marine Bio: Day 4


Today marks off the fourth day of my Marine Biology course (this week just flew by didn’t it). I found today to be rather interesting (no, not just because we were served pizza) because we addressed subjects I had always been curious about and, for whatever reason, never made the effort to look for answers.

The abnormal weather phenomenon known as the El Nino is the warming of the ocean surface in the eastern Pacific where the surface air pressure between the eastern and western Pacific are reversed (when it’s high in the east, it’s low in the west and vice-versa). The reversals results in unusual changes in temperature and weather. For example, South America may get an increase in rainfall while winter in North America may be drier than usual.

I’ve also learned the meaning of the term “upwelling” (which I had heard of before). It occurs when deep cold water currents reach the shoreline; bringing with them an abundance of nutrients and plankton to sustain other animals such as fish.

I conclude with a few final words regarding global warming. It’s imminent. Well, maybe not THAT imminent but it is definately going on! The debate is on whether or not it is natural or caused by humans. Regardless, there is still a need for cleaner energy (just because our current energy may not be the cause if global warming doesn’t mean that it is ok to continue to use).

P.S., the U.S. may be the only place where you can witness surfer dog wipe-outs. Our country is a wonderful one, no?
