Home Authors Articles by Colin Taylor '12

Colin Taylor '12


Final Day- CT

today I awoke in slightly better condition. Still had an earache, but it was tolerable. The group got in the taxi and then headed down to the harbor for our community service project with VISAR (virgin Island Search And Rescue). We had GINORMOUS donuts Fromm the vampire baker, they were delicious, and they chose the 5 tallest people (me...

OOOOUCCCHHH – Colin Taylor

Long annoying day today. Didn't get any sleep last night, my ear infection was too painful. But I was down by the taxi in enough time to make it to breakfast. I didn't eat because my inner ear was so swollen I couldnt open my jaw. I would like to tell you what reef we went to, but unfortunately...

Day Eternal Ear Pain

Once again I rose early for tea and honey with Harrison, and headed down to the lounge for some lounging. I mentally prepared for our two tank dive. It was going to be intense. We headed out to the boats and headed out to Salt Island to wreck dive the RMS Rhone. the Rhone wrecked during a hurricane in...

Day Thirteen, BVI – Colin Taylor

Rise and shine, I was up and about at 6:30, or 5:30 Dallas time and met over at my good buddy Harrison's hut at around 6:50. We quietly made tea, and headed down the wifi lounge. After a chat and some light conversation with our teachers, we headed to meet the taxi so we could eat breakfast at the...

Day Twelve, BVI -Colin Taylor

My entire blog deleted itself so this will probably be devoid of lots of humor and sarcasm. In short I was scared awake by a loud banging on the door. I rode the taxi to the hotel at which we had breakfast and Samantha explained that coral reefs provided indication of a healthy ocean, medicinal benefits, and protection from...

Day Eleven, BVI – Colin Taylor

12 hours of travel, the worst earache of my life, and a lot of pressure changes later, I was in the San Juan Airport buying myself a subway sandwich. I then saw a large man in a blue polo running full stride towards me, and then I thought, "that's an awefully majestic run". And that's when I realized, it...

Day Ten – Colin Taylor

Today is our last class day and we spent most of it discussing our two articles. The first of which we discussed the importance of the fish that can walk on land, specifically its importance in the evolutionary chain. Which we decided it was not relevant or important because it is similar to saying humans evolved from monkeys. It...

Day Nine – Colin Taylor

Hello again! It's the night time blogger and today after actually reading the articles we had a well lead discussion about the use of ecolocation by porpoises. The bulk of that conversatin consisted of discussing the methodology. The experiment used trained dolphins, so we discussed how that would effect the results compared to testing dolphins born and raised in...

Day Eight – Colin Taylor

The looks on the majority of my classmates faces matched mine five minutes into class. Deer in the headlights, as we were asked to singlehandedly answer questions about two articles that (although we were supposed to) we did not read. After I turned in my blank sheet of paper, we were allowed to pull out our iPad and actually...