Marine Biology- Island day the fifth


Today was a short lived dive day, 50 minutes total. It all started at 8:20 when Mr. Kirby woke my cabin up during a rainstorm. My sheets were soaked (due to the rain) and our cabin was very wet. We shut the blinds to avoid more rain, amd skurried down to the main road to make our 8:30 taxi deadline. Our taxi took us to the BVI marina for breakfast and two tank dives. Our dives we both at Mountain Point. Our first dive was our last “fun” dive, seeing many moon jellyfish, fire coral, and perrot fish. Then we broke up into our Reef Check groups. I had an hour fifty minutes surface interval before hitting the water with Hector Maldonado to pick up our transect line, which is used to count fish, coral, and algae build up on a particular reef. After our last two dives of the trip, we went back to Ole’ Yard Village for lunch, data collection, and student lead “finals” worth 30% of our overall grade! Hector and I were given a topic on proper buoyancy and how it makes one more efficent underwater. After killing our presentation, we took our taxi back to the condos to relax and wait for dinner. Dinner was at Mad Dogs, where we had a delicious lasgna dinner and recorded our six dives in our logs. Tomorrow is the last day (sadly), but I am excited to return to Dallas to see all my family and look at all the pictures. This trip has meant the world to me and I can not thank Dive BVI and its staff enough for their fantastic service and fun-loving attitude.



