Marine Biology Day 8


Today marked the half way point of the second week, and boy was today fun. So to begin the class we discussed these two very interesting articles. The first was about the mimic octopus and the second was about ecotourism and its effects on great whites.

The mimic octopus is a magnificent creature which has evolved itself and adapted over time to change its color and its appearance so it resembles other animals. The reason for research towards its unique abilitys is to resolve whether its knows to mimic out of instinct or consciousness. Personally I believe these intelligent creatures are capable of knowing when and when not to use its ability.


The next article which we went over was over shark behavior possibly being impacted by ecotourism. Ecotourism is touring enviroments of animals in their natural habitat which can often be dangerous. In this research, ecotourism really wasn’t having a huge effect on the direction in which the shark travels.

Finally, we went to lab for dissection!! The first thing we dissected was a perch. Perches have a very interesting composition. Finding and locating all the organs was very interesting. Next, we dissected a shark. This had to be the best part. I always see sharks on tv but to see one up close and especially to learn more of its anatomy was a privilege. We did not finish the shark dissection, but this gives us a better opportunity to study it more closesly, so I am psyched.