Day Eight
Today's class dove right into discussion about the Indonesian Mimic Octopus. My classmates, Rob and Nick, talked to us about how these octopi can change their shape and color to mimic other species. It's top layer of skin is transparent which allows for it to change color. It is able to mimic lion fish, flounders, and...
Marine Biology Day 8
Today we went over two articles to start. The first one was about the mimic octopus which they found out through DNA sequencing that the mimic octopus' mimicry began with simple colouration change. They elaborated on the extent of the octopus' mimicry which was incredible. I've never really been into octopi but this made me consider looking into them....
Marine Biology Day 8
Today was a very exciting and great day. We started the day off by filling out a sheet on last nights readings. Then we discussed the amazing mimic octopus. It was an awsome discussion because we discussed how these amazing creatures use very cool camoflouge techniques to evade predators. One of their technoques is to group all oftheir tentacles...
Marine biology – Day 8
Today, we learned about mimic octapus, effects of ecotourism on white sharks, and we dissected a dogfish shark. The mimic octapus uses camoflauge and the ability to mimic certain marine life to protect itself from predators. It can mimic the likes of a flounder, sea snake, or even a lion fish, using its arms and tentacles. In an article...
Day 8 – David Smith
Today as usual, was started by discussing the articles. The first article was about mimic octopi, which have evolved to be able to mimic other animals, such as a flounder, a lionfish, and a sea snake. It was interesting to see how they could do this, as the group had a youtube video to show as well. It made...
Marine Biology Day 8
Once again the day started with two groups sharing their analysis and opinion on their individual articles. The first article, presented by Nick and Rob, was very interesting. They went over the mimic octopus and its different characteristics. The mimic octopus actually mimics different marine organisms in order to stay camouflaged and protect itself from predators. The article was...
Marine Bio Day 8
Today we began class by discussing two articles. The first article was about the mimic octopus and how it can mimic other animals to stay away from predators. We saw a video on the mimic octopus and how it changes forms to pretend to be either a sea snake or something else. The second article was about ecotourism and...
Day 8
After listening to the groups present today, I learned a couple of interesting things which could affect marine biologists everywhere. The first group discussed mimic octapus and to a lesser extent oysters. From their topics I learned that mimic octapus evolved so that they can use their camoflauge and shape their body to impersonate other marine life, such as...
Day 8
Today began like all the others with two article presentation. The first article was very interesting. It involved the mimic octopus and it's evolution. The mimic octopus has, over time, developed adaptations in order to allow it to survive. Theses adaptations involve things such as mimicking a flounder swimming, a lion fish, and in desperate times, even a sea...