Day 8 – David Smith


Today as usual, was started by discussing the articles. The first article was about mimic octopi, which have evolved to be able to mimic other animals, such as a flounder, a lionfish, and a sea snake. It was interesting to see how they could do this, as the group had a youtube video to show as well. It made me wonder whether or not the octopus could do this because of instincts or whether it was the inteligence of the animal. Then me and my partner, Harrison, taught the class about our article, which dealt with a study that tried to determine if ecotourism had an effect on the behavior of Great White Sharks. Contrary to my expectations, the study showed that it didn’t have an effect on where the sharks were swimming. After that, we went into the lab to begin our dissections. We started with a Perch. We had to identify several external and internal structurs, including the teeth, lateral line, fins, heart, liver, and swim bladder. After that, we started dissecting a shark. The shark was a lot more complicated, and so were the instructions of the lab. We had to find and identify many internal and external structures, many of which the perch didn’t have. We didn’t have time to finish, but I’m looking forward to tomorrow, when we get to finish it.
