Night Snorkel and Wreck Alley

Today (or should I say yesterday?) followed the now typical routine of an early rise, gear gathering, and a plentiful breakfast at the marina. Breakfast was passed by discussing manly things and gawking at the CNN ticker running on the TV. Once we were sufficiently stuffed, we traversed the treacherous 20 yards of flat ground over to the office,...

A Fantastic First Day Back in the BVI

Well, after a long day of travel yesterday, I was ready for a full day of diving today. However, the night did not go undisturbed, as Jack, Christian, and I found a scorpion in our room at around 10:30 last night. That had me up for a while, paranoid that I would have thousands of scorpions crawling all over...

Round 2

My travels began early Tuesday morning. We arrived at DFW at around 6 a.m. and made our way through security, all with just a few minor hitches. Resplendent in our matching shirts, we boarded our first flight, all staving off sleep. After an extended layover in Miami brought on by a brief downpour, we continued on our way to...

Day 6: The Beginning of the End

Today started out later than expected. After a few days of intense cardio and working out, Christian and I decided to sleep in and skip our workout (Sunday is a day of rest thankfully). Casey of course decided to run which made us both feel guilty but it's ok in the end. Once we finally decided to wake up,...

Final Dive in BVI

Our final day of diving here in the BVI began uneventfully, but for a full recap, please see the opening sentences of past posts. Where the days begin to differ was when we went back to the dive shop. Today, Casey had printouts of a panorama view from the camera we installed. Reverting to our kindergarten love of arts...

Last Day

The morning came little later than usual on the last day of this great trip. The teachers allowed us to sleep in until 9 and once again I skipped my run to maximize sleep. A small breakfast waited For us near the teachers cabin and the group quickly ate and we left for a day of community service....

Day 2- Camera Installation

I was once again awoken by the rooster followed by my phone alarm. Then, I got dressed walked to the cattle guard where we met and were picked up by Glenn. We got to the marina and ate at this restaurant in the middle of the shops. I had over medium eggs, bacon, a cup of coffee, and some...

Day 1- Re-Initiation

After a long, delayed, and interesting day of travel, it was nearly 9 o clock and completely dark when the shade of Virgin Gorda came into view. Traveling all day had everyone irritable and undeniably ready for sleep, but of course the people in my cabin, Riley and Jack, and myself included talked into the hours of the night...

In BVI, you watch camera.

So today started well, with the roosters waking me up early at exactly six in the morning. Once I got out of bed, I jumped into the shower and prepared myself for the work ahead. We headed out for breakfast at 8:00, chatting and enjoying the morning breeze. After a great breakfast of a bacon omelet...