Home Authors Articles by Christian Taylor '15

Christian Taylor '15


Last Day

The morning came little later than usual on the last day of this great trip. The teachers allowed us to sleep in until 9 and once again I skipped my run to maximize sleep. A small breakfast waited For us near the teachers cabin and the group quickly ate and we left for a day of community service....

Day 5 – coral replanting

Another long night of fraternizing and staying awake pointlessly and the cabins one by one went to sleep after splitting up. I slept very well and woke up just in time to leave to meet with everyone, maximizing my sleep and obviously skipping the planned workout due to unexpected soreness from yesterday's run. Somewhat energized from extra sleep, the...

Day 4 – Day of Diving

Day 4 started very bright and early for Jack and me. Alarms blaring at 6, Jack woke me up and we both put on our running clothes in a groggy haze. Luckily, I couldn't think straight and didn't understand what I was getting myself into when Casey told us we would be hill running, otherwise I would have convinced...

Day 2 – Camera Day

After fulfilling ourselves at dinner, day one ended with some blogging and chilling. Couple of friends and I decided to play spoons until bedtime was enforced, which turned extremely competitive very quick. After spoons finished flying ands exacts champions were made, everyone split up and went to the cabins. We talked for a bit and hit the hay. Jack...

Day 1- Re-Initiation

After a long, delayed, and interesting day of travel, it was nearly 9 o clock and completely dark when the shade of Virgin Gorda came into view. Traveling all day had everyone irritable and undeniably ready for sleep, but of course the people in my cabin, Riley and Jack, and myself included talked into the hours of the night...

Christian Taylor

I did marine bio because I did it last years and I plan to pursue this career in the future, so this class is very fun and interesting for me.

Blog day 4 and 5

It was two days ago on day 4, so I don't remember the morning except we had breakfast and than left immediately for the marina. We got to the marina with an attitude some have recorded to be intimidating. It was coral replanting day. DuHduhDUMMMMMM. So we hopped in trusty sea monkey and set sail, or motor. We got...

BVI day 3

After another rockin night of blogging, we all headed back to the casas and passed out. An unfortunately quick sleep resulted in another tired morning and a muggy morning. We left to the commissary of breakfast then a presentation on sea turtles, how to catch them, what they eat, etc. Soon after, everyone jumped on the bus and we...

BVI day two

After a night of successful blogging we settled down for bed and fell asleep. The next day came quickly especially since I didn't wake up until 5 min before we had to leave. Although I cut it close, I grabbed all my gear and made it on time to head up to the baths. The baths are these big...