Chandler Clark '15
Final Post
With no set schedule to keep today, we were able to sleep later than usual. Rather than returning to the marina for breakfast, we walked to one of the huts for a meal catered by Casey. The doughnuts were, as last year, comically oversized and quite delicious. After breakfast, we broke for about a half hour before driving out...
Final Dive in BVI
Our final day of diving here in the BVI began uneventfully, but for a full recap, please see the opening sentences of past posts. Where the days begin to differ was when we went back to the dive shop. Today, Casey had printouts of a panorama view from the camera we installed. Reverting to our kindergarten love of arts...
Night Snorkel and Wreck Alley
Today (or should I say yesterday?) followed the now typical routine of an early rise, gear gathering, and a plentiful breakfast at the marina. Breakfast was passed by discussing manly things and gawking at the CNN ticker running on the TV. Once we were sufficiently stuffed, we traversed the treacherous 20 yards of flat ground over to the office,...
Setting Up the Camera
Despite a late night yesterday, we managed to wake up without incident to, surprisingly enough, our alarms. Not to be bested, our roosters of course reminded us of their presence for the ensuing hour that we gathered all of our gear. Breakfast was served at a restaurant in the marina. Afterwards, the marine biology 2 guys went to Casey...
Round 2
My travels began early Tuesday morning. We arrived at DFW at around 6 a.m. and made our way through security, all with just a few minor hitches. Resplendent in our matching shirts, we boarded our first flight, all staving off sleep. After an extended layover in Miami brought on by a brief downpour, we continued on our way to...
Chandler Clark
There are several reasons that I am wanting to go back on the Marine Biology trip. The first is obviously having the opportunity to spend a week on a picturesque island, but more importantly to see how our reef has progressed. I am also looking forward to spending time with my peers who share an interest in diving and...
Getting Shown the Rhone
We began the day with a breakfast at the marina. After eating, we headed out about 20 minutes away. Once we got there, we discussed how we would be collecting and transplanting coral. We first went on a snorkel to scout out any potential areas where coral might be in need of rescuing. After returning to the boat, we...
Turtles, Turtles, and More Turtles: Deluxe Edition
The day began similarly to yesterday in that we didn't have to wake up to the sound of a rooster. We then went back to the main building to have doughnuts that could have passed for tires. During breakfast, Dr. Gore came to give a presentation over turtles and the importance of the tagging. We then split into boat...
What I Learned in Boating School Is…
Today's morning began much less eventfully than yesterday's. We woke up around 6:45 to the sun shining through the windows. For breakfast, we ate at the resort's main building, and I had a peanut butter sandwich and banana nut bread. After breakfast, we walked to what are called 'the baths'. Along the quarter mile path leading from the...