Day 7 – David Smith


Today, once again, was started off by discussion led by other students. The first article was about parrotfish predidation on porite, a species of coral. While the article itself didn’t make much of a point in itself, but Dr. Grunninger explained that it might be very helpful in another scientists reasearch. The other article was about using grouper as a natural way to control the invase lionfish species. While the article said that an increase in grouper showed a lower population of lionfish, I don’t think that it means we should race to put groupers everywhere lionfish shouldn’t be but are. After seeing how many times that has failed, like the Cane Toads in Florida, I think people should be very, very careful in doing that in the future. After that, we broke into groups to try and figure out a plan to save a hypothetical species of coral. To do this, we needed to figure out what coral eat, where they live, and how they reproduce. We then tried to sell our ideas to the “investers”, our teachers. While they never really told us who had the best idea, I know it was my group.
