Day Two- Colin Taylor


Welcome back for day two of my Jesuit Marine Biology experience. Again I have lots of things that I’m interested it, and even more that I want to talk about (although it doesn’t really make sense, it’s true). We spent a lot of time today discussing the two articles assigned last night, and personally reading them I felt that they had a lot of good information, but were esoteric and grandiloquent. I found it interesting how if you removed all of their words, and just showed the tables and graphs…the point would be both illustrated and vastly more concise.

I also enjoyed a “eureka” moment that I had when I realized they were drawing on Darwin’s theory of evolution as an explanation of the data. (for those of you whom have access to the course’s drop box, I’m refering to Article 1, in which they prove that the fish with shorter life cycles and quicker maturity are able to migrate and adapt more efficiently than fish with longer life and maturity cycles. This is due to the quicker elimination of unsuccessful genes by the fish with the shorter life cycles, thus proving, or at least supporting Darwin’s theory of natural selection.)

And my last interesting point of the day was marine biologist….isnt actually a job. (Mind. Blown.)

Awesome marine biology pic of the day…
