Day 2: Marine Biology


Statistically Stubborn
The second day had already started; I was late, for the first time. As I wondered in to the classroom 42 eyes gazed at me. After I had gained a sense of comfortability, I returned the stares to my peers, I had realized that we were the same; all yearning to shed their young skin and grow older, mentally and physically.

Before I had a chance to recollect on this contagious idea that had sprouted in my mind; it was abruptly plucked by the cold flipper of statistics. I squirmed in my seat while trying to understand it; my mind was destroyed in the rigorous process

As the class went on I soon began to understand the general aspects of statistics through the kind and reverent lectures given by Dr. Gruninger

My friend, Nick Dell, and I went over the job of a marine fishery, his job is to check the population growth of a certain species of fish.

I also learned Marine biology is not only defined by the study of marine life, it is actually broken up into many subfields.

The most important thing that I learned is how to use the scientific method the correct way
