Hawaii Day 2

Today was our second day in Hawaii, and it was great! We began our day by going to NELHA, a non-profit organization founded by Dr. Craven in 1974. NELHA helps with business research support, growth, and economic development. They have created a renewable energy plant called OTEC (ocean thermal energy conservation), which helps produce a lot of energy they...

Day 4 Blog

Starting off the fourth day, we got breakfast and drove out to the harbor to go out to open ocean. The first plan for today was to all get on zodiac boats and cruise open waters looking for whales, dolphins, sharks, and other animals. We got to learn a little about the migration patterns of the animals, for example,...

Kona: Day 6

This morning we departed for our service project this trip which included cleaning up trash from the beach and digging sand out of a freshwater and saltwater mixed pond. While searching the beach for trash we were lucky enough to stumble upon a green sea turtle on the beach. We could tell it was a green sea turtle due...

Day 2 of Hawaii

After around nine long hours of sitting on a cramped plane, I was excited to finally get started on my Hawaiian adventures with the boys. We started off the day with a hot breakfast of french toast and a wide variety of delicious berries. Once everyone finally woke up and adjusted to the time change, both groups set off...

In Class Blog Post

I'm most excited for our nighttime dive with the manta rays. I've never gone scuba diving outside of the learning course, and I'm ready to dive in Hawaii. I've seen a video of the nighttime dive before, and I'm super stoked to experience it. (Manta Ray)

Day 3: Lava Arches and Reef Sharks

Today was my first day of diving since my last dive in the British Virgin Islands. Boarding the boat, I was ready for a long day of being 60 feet underwater. My body definitely was not ready. I had completely forgotten how tiring diving could be when you do more than one in a day. However, I still had...

Day 3(7/25/18)

Day 3, the most action packed and exciting day on the trip so far. The day began bright and early with a two tank dive. This was personally my first dive in the open ocean and it brought new surprises. The ability to see around 100 feet under water was something I have never experienced. During the dives, I...

Day 3: Diving and More NELHA

We started off today with a two tank dive. I saw many of the reef fish we talked about in class: raccoon fish, saddle wrasse, moorish idols, and parrot fish. I also saw three octopi and a green sea turtle. I identified the green turtle from the shell. We also a saw a frog fish on a rock and...

In Class First Post DO

I am very excited to study marine biology in Hawaii. I have only done one previous dive without an instructor with my friend Zach, but I am very excited to get better at the skill. I am also very excited to dive at Cook's Point. I have been snorkelling there, but I was pretty confined to a depth of around...