Marine Biology | Week 2 | Day 3
Today I jumped up in anticipation of the regular breakfast so I could get it over with and go onto our last research dives. I was slightly worried that we hadn't found our conclusions. We expressed our concerns to our dive master and we found that small fish that I originally glanced over were actually juvenile parrotfish so our...
Blog Day 4
Being very tired last night, I put my water bottle in the freezer instead of the fridge. When I woke up, I was reminded of this by a quick panic, thinking I lost the bottle before looking in the freezer. The bottle was frozen, but thankfully it did not crack because I did not fill it up all the...
Day 4
Today I woke up and went to the Lime cabin to have breakfest which was the same meal as every other day. Then we went to a beach with the Sea Dragon boat people to find invertebrates, Dawson found a conk shell with an octopus inside of it and everyone else found a ton of other things like a...
Day 4-Week 2-Cole N.
The day started like any other with us going to a cabin to have breakfast prepared by others. When we finished with our breakfast we had to head to the commissary in order to watch a presentation on turtle tagging, and afterwards we had to jog down to the cattle guard to catch our taxi to the marina. When...
Blog Day 4
Today started off with an 8:00 AM breakfast and then a 40 minute presentation on turtles and conservation efforts in the British Virgin Islands. We learned about how to catch and tag turtles as well. We the took a taxi with Glen to the boat and set off to a bay that was known for sea grass. We searched...
Day 4
My day started off with the usual breakfast served by lime cabin today. After breakfast we had a meeting for our turtle tagging we were about to go on. During the meeting, we were taught how to safely catch a turtle and tag them without harming the turtle. After the meeting we split into our two boat groups and...
Marine Biology | Week 2 | Day 2
Having Will bought a dozen eggs the day before and with us hosting breakfast, I expected to wake up to a four course breakfast. Unfortunately Will bought the eggs for himself so the rest of the cabin woke up in disappointment. The dive's this day were amazing! We started with our first at Ginger's Backside where we went to...
Marine Biology | Week 2 | Day 1
Good MorningWaking up at 5:30 from the sun was a little unusual. At first my group thought we were late for the agreed upon 7:00 breakfast time but quickly realized we were up waaay too early. The rest of my group went to sleep but I decided to go ahead and get ready. BreakfastBreakfast consisted of eggs, cereal, honey...
Day 3 Blog
The day began with the standard breakfast, the standard trip to the marina, and the normal setup routine. Strangely, our first dive provided little excitement, as we saw nothing notable save for a handful of stingrays. Our second dive, despite taking place around an airplane wreck, provided even less excitement. The real fun only began after lunch, when the...