Captain’s Log 006: July 20, 2017

Our final day of activities in the BVI was upon us, and the roosters were absolutely relentless outside our cabin. Our morning was a little slow, but it quickly picked up as we learned about our service project and prepared ourselves for a hard day of work. Our job was to help build and organize the school's first library...

Day 6.

We had to scrape a little bit of food this morning because we were eating the leftovers from all of the breakfasts throughout the week.  I had a nutritious honeybun, a nature valley bar, and a yogurt.  I say at the same spot as yesterday and enjoyed the view n and talked to Owen.  The goal of the day...

Day 6 Blog

Starting off this morning we went off to eat breakfast, then got the sun screen ready because today we weren't going dive. On the agenda for today was our service project and our presentations over our projects that we did on our dives. This time we didn't take Glenn to get to our destination, we just walked. We went...

Garrett Tarango – Blog Post 2

Man, the counselors were not lying when they said that today would be the most physically demanding day! Luckily, because the day would be the toughest physically speaking, we were allowed to sleep in later. The day started for me at 7:10. I then got ready for the day by heading to breakfast served by the cabin Plum and afterwards...

First Day

Hi, my name is Nelson Brown and today was my first day at the British Virgin Islands. Today was a long, but fun filled first day at Guava. We started the day at 7:15 with a solid breakfast prepared by our teachers to give us the energy that we needed for this action packed day. Once we were protein...

Day 6: Last Day

Our last day in the British Virgin Islands has been another fun and engaging day. We started the day off by preparing breakfast with my project group. I spiced things up a little bit by making eggs that were thoughtfully donated to me by Eduardo. After we had a successful breakfast, we got ready to leave at 8:40 for...

Day 6

Today we woke up at 7:35 and we could not dive today because tommorow we had to fly and we could not have excess nitrogen in our systems or we could get the bends. After breakfast we went to the local high school for our community service project. For our project we fixed the landscaping for the school. There...

Day 6

We couldn't dive due to the fact that we are flying tomorrow, but the day was not one spent just lying aroumd. Once everyone has eaten breakfast, we woke up and headed to the local high school to help Unite BVI build a library and a garden. Unite BVI was founded by Richard Branson and aims to help both...

Day 2 Marine 2

Today started off strange, we woke up sore, but with no rooster screeching at 6:45. So we slept in a little bit and then headed over to breakfast at the Plum Cabin. Then we set out to do our first two dive for our research project. Our project is comparing the difference between parrotfish and grouper at feeding stations....