Dawson Moore '18
Day 4 Marine 2
Day 4 in the BVI and it was our time to make breakfast, which turned out great. After breakfast, we went down to the docks and went on our first snorkel of the day at Mango Bay We went to a small beach on the island and looked for invertebrates in the shallow water. We found small sea pearls...
Day 3 Marine 2
The star of day 3 in the BVI, the soreness starts to set in. After four hard dives and some snorkels, the more sleep we need. We woke up and walked to the Mango Cabin to have more cereal and listen to the day's plan. Then we went to finish our research dive in the morning. We went down...
Day 2 Marine 2
Today started off strange, we woke up sore, but with no rooster screeching at 6:45. So we slept in a little bit and then headed over to breakfast at the Plum Cabin. Then we set out to do our first two dive for our research project. Our project is comparing the difference between parrotfish and grouper at feeding stations....
Day Six in the BVI
My day 6 entry begins with the night dive of day 5. After dinner, we threw the frisbee until it was dark. We then were called over by the dive staff and got very powerful flashlights in order to see under water. I went with my good friend Luke Pryzizbilski. We first saw a lobster and a squid swimming...
Day Five in the BVI
This morning was again hard to get up from everything we had done prior to the day. W evoke up and went to the Lime Cabin where they served us a cereal breakfast with Greek yogurt and oranges. We then got on the bus and headed down to the docks. Once out on the boats, we had two dives...
Day four in the BVI
This morning might have been the hardest one to start from all the sun we have been getting and diving we have been doing. Our cabin, Plum, had to serve breakfast this morning. John Bowen and I got up and prepared cereal, muffins and oranges for the crew who arrived at 7:15. After breakfast, the bus arrived to take...
Day Three in the BVI
After the activities of day two, we were all tired and wanted to sleep in, but the day had to begin. We got up and had breakfast at the Mango Cabin where they prepared a delicious cereal and muffin breakfast. After eating breakfast we set out to sea to start our project dives. On our first dive, we all...
BVI Day Two
The second day of the trip started off fast with a great breakfast prepared for us by the Jesuit Faculty. Mr. Kirby made his own family recipe of eggs, sausage and cheese. After breakfast, the Jesuit crew split into two teams, Sea Monkey and Sea Dragon. My group, Sea Dragon, went to go and look at invertebrates while we...
Day One
Today was day one of the JCP Marine Biology trip, and it's the best day yet. We started off the day having a great breakfast in a local restaurant. We met the dive staff who all seemed to be pretty cool. My group and I got Beth, the best of the bunch, to be our dive master for the...