Coral Replant Day
Today was a pretty interesting and cool day. It started off with Christian, Jack, and I sleeping in a bit and getting the much needed sleep that I have been missing for the past few days. After we woke up and got showered and everything, we went to breakfast where I changed up my ordering tendencies and went with...
Day 3&4 “Goliath”
I woke up at the routine 6:30, prepared for the day, and met everyone at the cattle guard at 7:50. We were taken to the restaurant inside the marina for breakfast. Here, I enjoyed some over-medium eggs, bacon, and toast. Following breakfast, Marine 1 & 2 went into the Dive BVI shop to learn about sea turtles from Dr....
Two Days for the Price of One!
Yesterday, Friday, started very well, with birds chirping and the sun shining. We followed our usual morning schedule: wake up, sleep for ten more minutes, get out of bed, shower, pull our water out of the freezer, get our gear ready, head down to meet our ride, and head to breakfast. After breakfast, we soldiers of Jesuit...
Day 4 (kinda) and day 5
Day 4: no blog
Day 5:
Beep beep beep, my alarm clock goes off at 5:45 am. Christian and I wake up to go for a run. We meet up with Casey around 6:15 at the cattle guard to go on a relatively "easy" run. At first the run was flat and relaxing but soon afterwards it got steep...
Day 4 – Day of Diving
Day 4 started very bright and early for Jack and me. Alarms blaring at 6, Jack woke me up and we both put on our running clothes in a groggy haze. Luckily, I couldn't think straight and didn't understand what I was getting myself into when Casey told us we would be hill running, otherwise I would have convinced...
All in a Day’s Work
Day 3 Recap
Our day started as usual. We woke up, grabbed our stuff, and were on the taxi by 8:00. For breakfast I tried the hot oats with fruit. The fruit on this island is absolutely amazing! The oats were pretty good, but were second to the bacon and cheese omelette. After breakfast we had a briefing on sea...
Cooper Island Fun
Well, today was another fantastic and adventurous day to say the least. We started out by going to breakfast, which for me consisted of eggs and bacon once again. As always, it was delicious and filling, enough to where I wasn't hungry again until lunch time. After breakfast, we hopped onto the boat and went to our first dive...
Night Snorkel and Wreck Alley
Today (or should I say yesterday?) followed the now typical routine of an early rise, gear gathering, and a plentiful breakfast at the marina. Breakfast was passed by discussing manly things and gawking at the CNN ticker running on the TV. Once we were sufficiently stuffed, we traversed the treacherous 20 yards of flat ground over to the office,...
Day 3 (My lucky number):
Today started out much later than expected. The night before I had set two alarms to wake up at 5:45am to join Casey on a run. It turns out that the time difference woke me up an hour later than expected. So, while I did have a late start to my day, it was nice to sleep in a...