Day 4

Today we woke up earlier than yesterday, but Glen the taxi driver didn't need to come until 8:30! Anyway I played some frisbee with a couple of friends while we waited. My swimsuit fell again from the porch so I had to go get it again from the bottom of our cabin. After that we went to go get...

Coral Project

Another early morning awoken by Docs knocking and delightful and loud voice I shot out of bed and got ready to meet. We met at the entrance to the guava berry resort and got on the taxi driven by Glen our native friend and driver and headed to the marina for breakfast. For breakfast I had an omelette with...

Turner day 4 blog

This trip just keeps getting better and better. Today was another great day with a two tank dive, some snorkeling, and then mass and dinner. We woke up at 7:30 and headed down to the gate to get picked up by the taxi. We went straight to the marina and ate breakfast there. After we finished we went over...

Transplanting Coral

This morning I went on another run, this time with my SCUBA buddy Will. After that, I had to get ready for the day. We got on the taxi and went down to the marina where we had breakfast. For the second day in a row, we had a two tank dive, but instead of seeing a shipwreck, we...

Day Four in Virgin Gorda

The majority of my fourth day on the BVI was spent on the Seadragon, and I have the sunburns to prove it. We had our breakfast at the marina again, and we headed out to Long Bay for coral transplants and harvesting. We began our venture with a lengthy snorkel to the shore from our boat. We looked for...

Coral Conservation- Long Bay

Today was coral conservation day. Things kicked off with another hearty brekky of eggs, fruits, breads, and juice boxes before we headed out to Long Bay, the site of our soon to be reef. At long bay we did a snorkel reconnaissance mission to scope out some potential coral rescues. With some staghorn stalks picked out, we head back...

Day 4 in BVI

Today started out really nicely. I slept in until ten minutes before we had to be down at the front gate and then had to rush really quickly while packing all my stuff together and race down to the front gate. After our taxi ride down to the marina we ate egg omelets, bacon, and banana bread. After our...

British virgin islands – day five

Today I woke up with a huge swollen left eye with no idea how it happened. It wasn't painful or anything though and went away eventually. We headed to the harbor at the same time as usual, 8:00, expect our taxi driver Glen came thirty minutes late. We had a full action packed day planned for us so...

Day 4- Coral Transplant

Today I woke up again and went to eat breakfast on the docks. I ate banana bread, bacon, juice, and omelets. We then went out to Long Bay (one of two Long Bays on Virgin Gorda. This makes no sense to anyone. The Long Beach we were at was near Savanna Bay.) Today we were transplanting coral. Essentially coral...