Andrew Arbour '14
Reef Building and the Last Day
Yesterday was one of the heaviest days we've had this week (literally and metaphorically). We started the day with a light breakfast and a talk at the marina followed by the heavy lifting of cinder blocks, for our reefs, onto the boat. After loading the blocks we took off for the Jesuit reef at Long Bay. ...
Day 4
The first dive we did today was at wreck ally. Wreck alley is a section of purposely sunken ships off Cooper Island. These four ships were sunken in the late 1900's purposely because of damage to the ships. On this dive our depth was about 85ft which is one of the deepest dive we've done. ...
Today was a fairly big day. We started with breakfast at the commissary again and listen to a great presentation from our friend, Dr. Shannon Gore. Dr.Gore's presentation focused on the different species of turtles found in the BVIs and there life cycles. Apparently loggerheads have five scutes on the back rather than the typical four and leather backs...
Day 3
Today's wake up time was a vicious 7 am, so I stumbled out of bed at 7:30 and threw together my things in 5 minutes. Our first stop was the commissary for a nutritious breakfast of fruit and donuts and then off to the marina. After collecting ourselves no our her we boarded the boat and headed...
Marine Bio Week 1
1) I signed up for marine biology II because I really enjoyed the class and the trip last year and I wanted to get more advanced and in depth with material, the credit was just the cherry on top. I'm looking forward to the night dive on the trip because night dives are the scariest and al...
Community Bath Barbecue Night Snorkel Day
Today was an early day, with a 7:45 breakfast so we could get to our service sight. The community service was hard but great. We painted and prepare a wall for a mural to be painted and hauled soil to plant palm trees and make the city a little more beautiful. I started as a shoveler and...
Coral Project
Another early morning awoken by Docs knocking and delightful and loud voice I shot out of bed and got ready to meet. We met at the entrance to the guava berry resort and got on the taxi driven by Glen our native friend and driver and headed to the marina for breakfast. For breakfast I had an omelette with...
The Rhone
This morning was a very early morning. We had a quick breakfast , this time at the marina, then jumped straight on the sea monkey with Jeff a Laura and road 30 minutes to salt island. We parked at the marine Rhone park and briefed. We learned a lot about the 300 foot Royal Mail Ship...