Day Twelve, BVI -Colin Taylor


My entire blog deleted itself so this will probably be devoid of lots of humor and sarcasm. In short I was scared awake by a loud banging on the door. I rode the taxi to the hotel at which we had breakfast and Samantha explained that coral reefs provided indication of a healthy ocean, medicinal benefits, and protection from wave energy. Andrew explained that we will be helping the BVI government with Fish IDing to keep track of reef. Lunch was good. We went to ginger island and dove at alice’s backside. I saw a huge grouper. Yay. After that I snorkeled with Doc and saw a barracuda. Yay. I had so much fun scuba diving upside down. GAH I CANT BELIEVE MY BLOG DELETED ITSELF…frustrating…technology hates me. Either way, today we had lots of fun and i learned a lot. I somehow managed to keep innapropriate things out of my blog today, and had lots of fun…i think im being redundant because im trying to recover an hours worth of work in about 10 minutes. Uhm yeah, here’s a picture of brody wearing my hat
