Day three of BVI – David


Today got an early start for me and my cabin, when Doc and Mr. Kirby got us up at seven, in order to wake everyone else up at eight. We kinda half slept until seven fourty five, then got dressed pretty quickly, and got everybody else up. We then took the bus to the hotel that we have our lessons act, where we started getting into the reef check things that we’re going to do on friday. We went over how to lay a transect line, and how to count the fish and invertebrates that we will see. We then packed up and went to Savannah Bay to snorkel.

We got there, and we first layed out the transect line to get some idea of how long a hundred meters is. We then had lunch, graceously provided by the Dive BVI staff (who are all really cool) and Casey said we were free to go snorkel. I was kinda sceptical of how cool it was gonna be, but I saw so many cool things, I’m probably going to forget some. But here gos my best shot.

A group of 26 squid.
A trumpetfish.
A two and a half foot snaper.
A big moon jellyfish that had jelly fish (not kidding) living inside of it.
And a bunch of huge, huge brain coral.

Tomorrow we’re going on two dives in the morning, and snorkling in the afternoon. I’m really excited for it, and I really hope it tops today.

Here’s the moon jellyfish
