Day 11


Today was the first day of marine biology actually at BVI and I’ve got only 3 words to say. PAR-A-DISE. Since we arrived so late last night, we could not see the island view, but when i crawled out of bed this morning, I saw a view that I’ve only seen in National Geographic and hollywood films. Before I went down to our groups meeting area I pondered, what is my meaning to be here. Am I here to be the best biologist ever, or am I here to just enjoy the islands? When i met up with my friend Brody, i discussed what i had thought and he said he thought that too. I also found out we had the same dream. Telekenesis? I think so.

After we ate breakfast, we did a little classroom sesh(session). We talked about diver safety and marine wildlife. We discussed how a human influence on the marine ecosystem can change the wildlife and ecosystem drastically. After lunch & in a swim in the pool(i didnt swim), we wentto e dive boats and briefed for the dive. I was on the boat and team called SEA MONKEY. We were the obviously better boat. I then jumped into the light colored, radiant blue water. That was refreshing. At the bottom of the reef, we did some basic skills and then looked around the reef. It was very awsome. I saw fish like parrot fish, squirrel fish(yes, its real), jack, and many other nameless scaled vertebrates. I also arrow crabs, sea urchins,and sea cucumbers. Then i came up to the surface, debriefed, and took the 10 minute boat ride back to the harbor. We then traveled back to the resort for some much needed R&R before dinner. When we arrived at the beach for supper, we arrived at a sandy beach littered with massive boulders along with a boulder jungle. As I climbed and free ran across the boulders. As i shimmied my waythrough cracks and crevaces, i explored caves and causeways made by the rocks. I free climbed up the rocks with my barefeet, my soles like leather. Then we had dinner and then after that i started doing what i am doing right now, writing my blog. Well that’s allfor today. I can only expect more tomorrow and the rest of the week. Will Schneider signing off.


