Day 10


Today in class we began by going over our trip. The talk about it really got me excited and ready to go. After this we talked about Brody and Hayden’s article. It was about the adaptations of the leaping blenny. This relates to marine biology because it gives us an idea of how marine organisms might have made the transition from a marine environment to a terrestrial one. We then discussed Gabe and Will’s article about lionfish invasion. This one took a different approach and talked mostly about how they mightnhave ended up on the eastern seaboard of the United States. The most probable ways were either through releasings from aquariums or ballast water. This article did not stress the fact that these animals could negatively affect this ecosystem, but it was from 2002 so they may not have had as much of an impact back then. Learning about the lionfish is important because part of learning about an ecosystem is how it will respond to stresses and how these stresses can be eliminated by us.
