Day 14


Day fourteen began as Kells and I woke up to the alarm clock And David knocking on ther door. This was at 8 am. We then scrambled to get up and ready while simultaneously trying to wake up Andrew who would always look at us and then go backto bed. At 8:30 we were down waiting for the taxi which took us to Ole’ Yard Village to eat breakfast and learn about transect lines and more about coral reefs. After this we took a trip to Savannah Bay to practice transect lines. We had lunch and then started to snorkle. The snorkling was really fun. After this we went back to our house and got ready for dinner. We ate dinner at Turtle and Bath. It was a Mexican buffet type resturaunt. After that we danced at the dance floor that was close to the resturaunt. I am looking forward to tomorrow, our two tank dive.


