Day 9: The End is Near


I am a nervous yet excited. So today I will not write my normal blog it will be….”on topic completely”, I know it’s scary.

Today we spiced things up a tad and started or class with the dog fish dissection, had a wonderful time. We finished up that quickly. Then we talked about echolation for Sean Tomlinson’s presenation, I was suprised on how many people were interested in the subject. To test this experiment they would tag trained dolphins and mark an area off in a bay. After that they would feed them and see how the clicks of the dolphin would increase throughout the whole process. It was truly breathtaking

Then the next topic came up, and they hand picked me to answer the first question; I was truly greatful. Then the discussion took off faster then I could handle, it started out by merely talking about the experience, then “bam” it took off. The experiment involved the elk horn coral’s larva and the effect that temperature has on them. 27.5 degrees Celcius was the temperature with the highest survival percentage.

Brody McClure, over and out.
