Day 15: Done Diving


Today was a great way to finish of the day, we started out the day with a fun dive off of the land of Gorda. The dive was awesome, my bro Gabe and I were seriously pumped, seriously. My bro Gabe jumped in first, I was next in line. Suddenly, Gabe shouted out, I see a Moon Jellyfish right under me. I stopped dead in my tracks, my favorite animal in the whole wide world, I jumped in to see it. I took a few steps then before you knew it I was in the water; I took a few mental pictures and I was satisfied. Then on our way down I say another one, and another, I thought it was pure coincidence but more and more jellyfish appeared. I soon realized that I was surrounded by jellyfish and my joy soon turned into fear, I was in jellyfish fields. Jellyfish at every corner, it was a sight which thrilled the brain.

Or next dive was a fish identification dive and Gabriel and I experienced some difficulty identifying fish, but we did pretty good.

After all that was done we went poolside and had a killer lunch.

Then came the hardest part of the trip, the final. Gabe and I had to do a presentation about artificial reefs. Gabe and I said that they were a good idea because they are marked off areas for fisherman, which allows the fish and coral to grow better. It also saves areas that are slowly decaying.

We said that it might be detrimental to marine life because oil residue will always be on the sunken ship, and it will pollute the water.

Shout out to my bro Connor Beach, Brody McClure over and out.
