Day 6- Last day in the BVI

Monday, on our last day in the BVI, we were able to sleep in a little in the morning in preparation for our day at the beach. We headed over to have breakfast and then we were on our way to clean up the beach. The beach we arrived at to clean up was near the airport and was...

Day 1 – Bronco Billy, Nurse Sharks, and Spaghetti

Today the Jasmine cabin, consisting of Jackson, Chase, Liam, Luke, and myself, awoke around 7 AM for breakfast. It was a rough night sleep, for my body has yet to adjust to the humid climate and lack of an air conditioning system. After breakfast, Casey, Jeff, Jeremy, and the gang gave us an introduction to the island...

First day in BVI

7/16/2014: First day in BVI The first day in the beautiful British Islands started when I woke up to a bird singing outside my window, not something I experience in Dallas very often. Once everyone was awake and dressed we met Casey and the rest of the Dive BVI staff for breakfast, introductions, and a short class about the marine...

Luke Gomez – BVI – Day 1

After a long day of traveling yesterday, I woke up at about 6:45, anxious to start the day and begin a great adventure. Everyone waited at the cattle guard outside of our homes for the ride to breakfast to begin our lesson over the marine life in BVI. We debated over current events regarding marine life as well as...

Day 2 – Camera Day

After fulfilling ourselves at dinner, day one ended with some blogging and chilling. Couple of friends and I decided to play spoons until bedtime was enforced, which turned extremely competitive very quick. After spoons finished flying ands exacts champions were made, everyone split up and went to the cabins. We talked for a bit and hit the hay. Jack...

Duncan Cadeddu

I have been certified for scuba diving for nearly five years and I think going diving with classmates from school would be an interesting experience. I also am eager to learn about the subject material of the course.

All Good Things Must Come to an End~ Day 6

Today started off at around 8:00. Our schedule for today was a little bit different. We were going to eat breakfast at around 9:00 over at the teachers' cabin. For breakfast I had a huge chocolate donut and some apple juice. After we ate we had a couple of minutes before the Glenn came to pick us up at...

Day 4

These past two days have been very exciting. Yesterday, we went to the north sound to see the juvenile lemon sharks and stingrays. Later that afternoon, we went to the baths which are rocks formed millions of years ago by liquid magma. These rocks had eroded away to form a beautiful cave which we were able to walk through....