What I Learned in Boating School Is…

Today's morning began much less eventfully than yesterday's. We woke up around 6:45 to the sun shining through the windows. For breakfast, we ate at the resort's main building, and I had a peanut butter sandwich and banana nut bread. After breakfast, we walked to what are called 'the baths'. Along the quarter mile path leading from the...

1st Day at BVI: Great start to a Great Week

Yesterday was a long day of travel. We had to be at the airport by 5:45 in the morning, where we sluggishly met up with Mr. Waits outside security. After parents snapped countless photos of us, barely functioning, we went through security which was actually pretty painless; except for the fact that I put my carry-on in the...

Longest Trip of my Life, but the Best Reward Ever

Yesterday was the longest traveling day of my life. It took us three planes, almost 5 hours of down time in between flights, and about 6 hours of traveling, we finally made it to our destination, The Guavaberry Resort on the British Virgin Island. When Joe, Gabe, David, and I arrived a our cabin, the Plumtree cabin, we were...

Day 3: Chasing turtles

I just wanted to start this blog off with a HUGE thanks to the dive BVI staff for everything they have done so far and to Dr. Gore who gave us a great turtle tagging (or chasing in my case) experience and presentation. Today I woke up at about 7:20 again and headed down to the cattle guard at...

READ THIS ONE. I love you

Day 5 and 6 The rooster woke us up again at 7 to lead us to the same breakfast, then we boarded the boat to go to the Jesuit reef. Yes, we have our own reef, mom and dad. After a checkout dive where we saw a plethora of flora and fauna, we decided to replant healthy coral in numerous...

The Second Day

Today was another fantastic day. The snorkeling and the diving were both great, the food was great, and the weather was great up until we went to dinner. The day started off with waking up and then going to breakfast at the Guava berry office. After all of us had eaten and been briefed about where we were going...

Turtles and Snorkeling: Day 3

Today was the first morning that I woke up feeling fully rested. We went to bed earlier than usual last night and that gave me a lot more energy for today and it was nice sleeping in until 7. After the usual morning routine of brushing my teeth, having some coffee, and talking to my roommates we all went...

My First Day in the Carribean!

We arrived safely yesterday and got our casa and roommate assignments about 10 o'clock last night. After finishing getting completely situated and affiliated with my new roommates I went to bed at around midnight. We were told that our taxi leaves tomorrow at 7:30 so we had to be up by 7, if not sooner. I actually woke...

The Second Day on the Island: The Baths and Ginger Island

This morning started off very similar to yesterday because we were woken up by a rooster and around 5:45. I got up and made some of the instant coffee that was being sold in the small convenient store (this store runs on the honor code and at the end of the trip you have to pay for everything that...