The Second Day


Today was another fantastic day. The snorkeling and the diving were both great, the food was great, and the weather was great up until we went to dinner. The day started off with waking up and then going to breakfast at the Guava berry office. After all of us had eaten and been briefed about where we were going next, we started off towards “The Baths”. “The Baths” are rock formations that have been pushed up towards the earth’s surface over millions of years, forming gigantic structures and caves. We walked through the entirety of the rocks and saw some really cool different formations. The most interesting formation, in my opinion, was something called Neptune’s Cave. The cave was at the top of a gigantic rock, and it is open on both sides, allowing us to see the inside of the cave and all the different hollowed out indents that it contained. After we had finished the walkthrough of The Baths, we hopped into the ocean and did a fish identification snorkel. We learned about a lot of cool fish and we got to see what they looked like actually swimming rather than in pictures. The snorkel took about an hour total, and the coolest things I saw were a few reef squid and a barracuda. After we had finished our snorkel, we had lunch on the beach and had a fish ID discussion on the beach as well. When we had finished eating and we had our discussion, we went to the marina for our afternoon dive. I didn’t know what to expect for our dive, but I was excited for whatever we were doing. We first had to assemble all of our equipment and then we headed off. The dive site is called Ginger’s Backside, and it was pretty awesome. There were lots of different fish and even an eel that we saw. The coolest thing that I saw there, though, was a Nassau Grouper, which is apparently quite rare. This fish looked massive, but in reality it was probably much smaller. We spent about an hour down at the bottom, and the deepest we went was about 60 feet or so. We spent that entire hour looking at the different fish and seeing if we knew how to properly ID them. After our hour was up, we went back to the surface and headed back to the mainland for showers and a small break. We then went to dinner and had a delicious meal of wraps, potato salad, and pasta salad, all of them were fantastic. And that is where our second day ended.

