Jackson White

1. I'm taking this class because I'm interested in marine biology as a possible future career path. This class will serve as an intro into the field of marine biology & allow me to gauge my interest in the course. 2. Currently I have no diving experience other than the classroom portion of the dive certification process. ...

Devil’s Bay to the Wall to Wall

Clayton woke us up again at 7, and 45 minutes later we were walking to the resort office for breakfast. The office was one of the few places air conditioned, so it was quite an enjoyable breakfast. Afterwards, MB1 walked over to the Baths. Instead of entering the Baths, we took a side route to the Devils Bay. It...

7 – 16 – 13

Clayton woke us up at about 6:30-- unintentionally he claims. Grumbling, Gavin and I got dressed and all of us headed over to the Plum Tree cabin to see some of our classmates. It was 7:00, so everyone was just waking up and asking us (with a few expletives) why we were awake. At 7:45, the taxi driver Glenn...

Behind the Cover of Sports Illustrated

Past the models posing for the cover of sports illustrated there is an abundance of life in the ocean on the shore of The Baths in Virgin Gorda. We visited The Baths this morning as part of our scheduled snorkel for the day. It started with a brief hike down to the ocean where we saw immense...


The day first began when both roosters and sharp, bright bursts of sunlight awoke both me and one of my roommates. Whom then proceeded to prepare for the day by putting on sunscreen and packing scuba gear. Next we headed to a restaurant via a taxi. There we ate a breakfast of eggs, ham,...

My favorite beach and Turtle Tagging

We had a great time today with Marine Biology 1! We went to Savannah Bay for a beautiful snorkel and to learn about invertebrates and then headed off to tag turtles! Love Doc

The Unsinkable RMS Rhone

Waking up this morning was tough, I finally crawled out of bed around 7:20 after much procrastination & I have never made a better decision. After arriving at the cattle gate at 7:45 we were taken over to the harbor for breakfast at the Dive BVI office, thanks to all of Dive BVI for hosting our meal &...

Day 1 blog

Today was the very first dive of the trip. When we first got into the water, we reviewed our basic skills to make sure we did not forget them. We did the partially flooded mask, sharing air, and neutral buoyancy. After each person in our group of four completed those things, we were able to explore the reef with...

I like turtles

I woke up at 7:00 because our alarm went off, and like every other day I was one of the first up and went and made some coffee for everyone. Today I drank my coffee on our patio with Austin because we had bug spray. We could feel the sea breeze and we could see the ocean and many...