Day 3 in the BVI

Day 3 Great third day in the BVI. I woke up bright and early at 7 to numerous bird sounds. They were very loud and obnoxious. After a quick shower, I headed down to the commissary to have breakfast. It consisted of assorted fruits, pop tarts, donuts, and yogurt. Staying at the commissary, we were then lectured by Dr. Shannon...

MB 2 – Day 1

Arriving on Beef Island after 3 plane rides we were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. McNutt with hugs and hellos. After a short boat ride over to Virgin Gorda, we were next greeted by Glenn, our taxi driver from last year who will again be driving us around the island. A relaxing night drive later we arrived at Guavaberry....

Another Wreck Dive

Today was another early start. We began the day with, yet again, another early morning. We took a taxi to the marina where we enjoyed another great breakfast. After breakfast we hopped on the boat immediately to head over toward Cooper Island. Our first dive at Cooper Island was Wreck Alley, which includes four purposely sunk ships. We...

Day 2 in the BVI

Another bright and early morning, another wake up call from Doc, and another beginning to a wonderful BVI day. After starting the day off with a fresh shave, an overwhelming hunger came about my person. We took a short walk to the main office of Guavaberry Hotel, where we met Casey for breakfast --donuts the size of...

Day 1

Even after the longest day of my life, I was still unable to sleep due to an attack on my innocence. While in bed, my back began to itch and so I itched it. Wondering what caused the itch, I turned on the lights and was terrified when I found a two inch spider on my pillow. ...

Mb 2: Week 1

I signed up for marine biology two for many reasons. I signed up because I learned so much last year and had a good time on the trip. I look forward to learning more this summer and going on another amazing trip with my class. This week started by learning about coral which included making a psa video about...

Night Snorkeling and Lionfish Executions

Day 5: Yesterday morning (we didn't have time to write a blog yesterday) we got up and took a trip to the marina where we had breakfast at Casey's office and hung around the marina until it was time to go. We started to move our dried cement blocks to the boat for the artificial reef plant. The trip to...

Day 4

Surprisingly once again I was not woken up by my dive partner, Clayton Caldwell, but instead I was woken up by my alarm clock on my Ipad. After taking a shower, my roommates and I walked down to the street to wait for the taxi. When everyone got to the street, we got on the taxi and drove down...

Last Day in the BVI – Round 2

Yesterday, we woke up and immediately went out on the water for our two tank dive. Our dive insect or Jeff carefully lowered all of our cinder blocks filled with cement. Then, Gavin and I carefully placed them in one of the designated spots, arranging them how we wanted them and proceeding to zip tie them together. Once they...