Day 1


Even after the longest day of my life, I was still unable to sleep due to an attack on my innocence. While in bed, my back began to itch and so I itched it. Wondering what caused the itch, I turned on the lights and was terrified when I found a two inch spider on my pillow. About ten minutes after this travesty, I got up to go to the restroom and on my return I saw a 6 inch wide 8 legged animal in the corner of my room. Immediately I ran into the other room to get Killian and Jullian to kill it. Jullian then grabbed a broom to beat its legs off and I was kinda safe. The next morning we began the day with a lesson at the Old Yarde hotel. In this lesson we review fish and coral ID with our new and old diving instructors: Jeff, Jeff, Caitlyn, Casey, Laura, Fernando, and Pablo. After the lesson, we headed to the harbor and briefed our dive, reviewed assembly and shopped at the dive shop. We then headed to Valley Trunk (our dive site) to get started with our review dive. The dive was a pretty standard review of simple diving procedures (not that scenic). After this 30 minute dive we headed home to shower for dinner. Dinner was at Mad Dogs, where we were greeted by our old friend Inge and a delicious pizza dinner. We ended the night setting up the very generous gift given to us by Jeff and Casey, our very own under water cameras. We then headed down the dirt path home and to the wifi room to blog.

Good night!!

Andrew Arbour
