Day 2

Today was the second day of class and we discussed different areas of marine biology and research techniques. I found the marine mammalogists to be interesting as the study things such as why certain mammals moved back to the water. I also enjoyed the articles we discussed on how climate affects the movement of fish. The ability of biotechnologists...

Second Day in the BVI

Today we had a relatively light schedule; we woke up at 8 then walked to the entrance of our resort where we got a taxi ride from from Speedy's. We then went to another hotel ate breakfast and began class. During class we learned about coral conservation and fish id. After this we headed to the docks and left...

Marine Bio: Day 2

So today would be my second day of my Marine Biology course here at Jesuit. Today we discussed the articles we had read the night before. What I found most interesting was that the first article, which discussed the migration of certain species of fish due to climate change, was more of a research article as opposed to the...

Day Six

Today was filled with information and also excitement because we did a dissection of a starfish and a squid! We started out though discussing two articles with one of them being the one my partner and I discussed. The first talked about butterflyfish and the effect they have on coral loss, and the second article talked about the lack...

Marine Biology- Day 6

Today in class, we learned about butterfly fish eating coral, invertebrates, and squid. The butterfly fish eat polups on coral, which break down the coral which are home to some fish such as the clown fish. Invertebrates are organisms that do not have a spinal column, and they play a major role in the ocean. Squid are invertebrates in...