Day 7

Today was another succesful day of Marine Biology. We began by discucssing two articles, one of them concerning a certain species of fish and how they effect coral. Then we began discussing as groups, a hypothetical situation in which we needed to figure out how to save coral species "x". Our group came up with a pretty detailed plan...

Day 7

Today we went over two articles from two groups that we read the night before. I found them very informative. But, they didn't really tell us what we could do about the problem so in that perspective I found them pointless. We then quickly changed directions and were given a situation that we had to find a solution for....

Day seven

Today started out with a wonderful presentation by Andrew and Colin. They talked about the parrotfish and their affect on the massive porites in the great barrier reef. After that very interesting performance, we listened to a presentation on possible ways of eliminating lion fish. After this, each table fought against each other to provide the best possible way...

Marine biology Day 7

Today's presentations were very engaging. We talked about parrotfish and how they feed on coral, specifically porites. The article wasn't trying to prove anything other than the fact that this type of fish was feeding on these corals. The next reading was over the invasive species lionfish and the application of grouper to their environment. I found this article...

Day Seven

Today involved discussion over two more articles as well as a group project over saving the last species of a type of coral. The first article talked about how parrotfish are affecting the abundance of coral due to predation. This was similar to the article yesterday over the butterflyfish. One thing the scientists used were grazing scars left on...

Lucky number 7

Today we began again with the article projects. We talked about grouper fish and how they are a natural biocontrol for the lionfish. We also talked about parrot fish and how they are eating more coral. We then went on to a mini project. In this project we had to repopulate a certain species of coral. We would present...

Day 7 – David Smith

Today, once again, was started off by discussion led by other students. The first article was about parrotfish predidation on porite, a species of coral. While the article itself didn't make much of a point in itself, but Dr. Grunninger explained that it might be very helpful in another scientists reasearch. The other article was about using grouper as...

Day 7 – Saving a Species and then some

We opened today with our daily article discussion. After Andrew and Sean presented their article, Alec and I presented ours. Our article discussed what is known as natural biocontrol. Biocontrol is the use of one species to eradicate another. The lionfish is an invasive species that can upset the delicate ecosystems in the Atlantic ocean. Originally from the seas...

Marine Biology Day 7

Day 7 is out of the picture and only 3 more days await until our class sessions come to an end. Many things occurred today. For the beginning of class we discussed two articles. The first was about parrot fish and their effect on coral, which in my opinion I thought that the results were insignificant mainly because they...