Marine biology Day 1 – Hector M


Today marked the beginning of the long awaited marine biology summer course! I have been looking forward to this class because of the trip to the British Virgin Islands ( which I will refer to as BVI) and to use this sweet ipad..

I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the internal body systems different organisms hold. I also wish to learn more about the unique ecosystems which the ocean holds.

My favorite marine animal has to be a sea turtle. Why a sea turtle?
Not only does it have one of the neatest body parts, the shell, but also lives a very long peaceful life roaming all over the beautiful ocean.


The only diving experience I have had was in a pool for the certification class and a very small, not exciting lake. At the BVI I know that my experience will completely change and I am greatly looking forward to it.

Today was more of an introductory. The extensive history of “Marine Biology” is what the instructors, Mr. Kirby & Dr. Grunninger, went over. After this they covered material concerning coordinate geography(longitude & latitude.) The most interesting fact I learned today was that each 15 degrees across the earth is one hour. I am greatly looking forward for more of the course!