Day 2


Today was very cool, for the most part. As usual we started the day out with breakfast, followed by breathing exercises, to prep us for the day. Then we had a visitor from the conservation fisheries BVI, Mr. Joel Dore. He spoke about turtles in the BVI. He focused on the conservation of turtles and turtle tagging. After the presentation from Joel, we went to the marina and set off to tag some turtles. After exploring the shallow reefs for a while, we were called back to the boat, for turtle had been caught. Once aboard the boat, we got to see the turtle be tagged, it was a amazing sight. After we set the little guy free, we headed back to the marina and had lunch. Then we went back to the cabins and prepared for the cave dive. After a while we headed off for the caves; the caves consisted of narrow passage ways that eventually lead up to a beach. From this point we snorkeled our way back to our cabins. Along the way we saw the most beautiful coral reefs and sea life. We saw a sea turtle along with a lot of jelly fish. Eventually we ended up back home, changed closed, and went to dinner. Finally we went home and to bed. Today was a day to remember.

Sea Turtle
