The final day


I never thought this day would come, the last day of the trip…Today started normally at 8:30 on the main road waiting for our taxi. The taxi took us to the marina for breakfast and then we went off to work! Community service was fun, we had some quality bonding time with our classmates. We painted a shed, cleaned boats and gear, and cleaned the wall of the boat house. VISAR also gave us a presentation on CPR and placing a body on a body board. After that we took our taxi back to the Guavaberry Resort to play on the beach and get ready for mass. Mass was at 5:30 in a small area on a hill. The service lasted 40 minutes and then we were off to our last meal! At dinner we watched a slide show of pictures of the week and listened to a very moving speech by Casey. After we got our fill, Gabe gave an apprectiative speech to the instructors and our teachers. I came to like Jeff, as he told my friends and I about diving and his experiences. Now we all are about to watch a pirited version of Transformers 3 to wind down from such an amazing week. Special thanks to Casey, Jeff, Sam, and Andrew for making this week possible and helping us become more experienced divers. If possible, I will come out next year and continue to build relationships with these great classmates, teachers, and dive instructors. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THIS OPPRITUNITY!


