Thursday in BVI


Today we started early with a dive in the morning. We went to see the Rhone, a sunken boat, which while incredible in of itself was truly amazing because of the wildlife. No fishing is allowed to fish populations are very healthy and I saw some big parrotfish, and snapper. I found it interesting to see the wreck and dive through it because it was like diving through history (not to sound excessively corny). I think that although the ship sinking was a catastrophe, there was no better place for it to go than the water. Artificial reefs I think will play a role in preserving croal reefs in the future. We then went to our second dive site where we practised our recording species which to say the least was difficult. But I’ll try my hardest tomorrow when the time comes to start recording. We then went to eat, and then went snorkeling. The coolest thing I saw was a spotted eagle ray; no picture unfortunately because I saw it right as I was about to get back on the boat. We then hung out and eventually went to maddogs where I failed to do a front hand spring. Something I must remedy. I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Kirby about intelligence, food for thought. Long story short, what is intelligence and how do you measure it? I’ll be thinking about these things all tomorrow and will report if I reach a definitive answer.
