Marine Biology Day 9


Today we did quite a bit, starting with finishing out dissection of the Dogfish. I thought it was cool to feel the Ampullae of Lorenzini on the shark’s rostrum. That didn’t take too long because we were nearly done from the day before. So nothing new to report there.

Then we went over the articles. The first one was about dolphin echolocation which I found interesting because I was wondering (although it was hinted) how larger cetacean’s echolocation differentiate and how its similar. I mentioned this earlier but they should test the frequency of sperm whale’s echolocation to confirm their suspected use of echolocation to stun their prey and see if over cetaceans have a similar adaptation. The conversation drifted afterwards and I lost where we went. I tried tuning back in but I couldn’t understand what was being argued. Anyways, then the second group talked about the affect of temperature on elkhorn coral. I’m not too well versed in the ways of coral so I was kind of lost (again). They also showed a video about what was referred to as the “fallout” of elkhorn coral. Coral is important, I recognise that, but I don’t think I could study coral for a living! While probably not the same, I compare coral to trees and I think that would be a useful comparison in order to appeal to the population in order to save the coral. Just a thought.