4th Day In Hawai’i

We started our day of we a Zodiac boat tour. This allowed us to visit outstanding snorkel spots like Captain Cooke's Corner. On the way to the snorkel spot, we were greeted by a pod of short finned pilot whales with a new born in the group. I thought these large animals were logs at first as they would...

Hawai’i: Day 4

Yesterday we followed a pod of Pilot Whales, snorkeled in a cool reef, and dove with Manta Rays. When we were on the Zodiac Boat, we saw a pod of Short-Finned Pilot Whales that had a newborn baby. We could tell it was a baby because because his dorsal fin was flopped over on its side, and it normally...

Day 4

Today was the best day of the trip so far as I was able to see so many amazing things underwater. The first thing we did today was snorkel at the captain cook monument and then at the end of the day we went on our manta ray dive. Our visit to the captain cook monument is my favorite...

Day 4 Blog

Starting off the fourth day, we got breakfast and drove out to the harbor to go out to open ocean. The first plan for today was to all get on zodiac boats and cruise open waters looking for whales, dolphins, sharks, and other animals. We got to learn a little about the migration patterns of the animals, for example,...

Hawaii Day 4

Today we woke up bright and early so that we could go on the zodiac tour. On the zodiac tour we saw so many different types of animals. First we saw pilot whales. Pilot whales are sexually dimorphic which means that they can change their gender depending on their size and other attributes. We also observed a baby pilot...

The Big Island Experience: Day 4

Day four of our trip on the Big Island revolved heavily around the exploration of marine life. To begin our day, each group boarded a zodiac boat, like what Navy Seals use, and headed off towards the open ocean. Before we even left the harbor, a green sea turtle was hanging out on the surface of the water visible...

Day 4: Devil Rays

Yesterday was the best day so far on the trip. We would be doing the much anticipated Manta Ray dive and going out to blue water on a Zodiac boat. The Zodiac boat is a small but speedy boat. It has two 300 horsepower motors and tops off at a speed of 40 knots. During our ride on the Zodiac,...

Day 4 Marine Bio Hawaii

To begin the day, I along with my fellow Siphonophores went out onto a Zodiac boat tour of Kealakekua. On our ride there, we spotted some pilot whales, which to the captain, was considered a needle in a haystack find. After tracking them for about 20-30 minutes, we continued our movement to the snorkel site. Stopping in the cove,...

Hawaii Day 4

Today was our fourth day in Hawaii, and we went manta diving! We began our day by going on a zodiac tour. The zodiac boat is really fast, reaching 300 horsepower, and we went to far off the coast into deep sea, where we saw a lot of animals. We first saw several short fin pilot whales, which were...