Marine Bio 2: Aquatic Boogaloo; Day 4

Today started as well as any of the others- with a delicious breakfast and good friends. We quickly left for the marina, and wasted no time in boarding the Sea dragon. Our boat left for a reef near an island called Gingers Backside, so we could finish our experiment dives. The plan was to find an area primarily taken...

Edelmann Day 6

7/17/16  Today was my last day in the BVI and it was pretty layed back. We had breakfast at Jasmine's cabin today and breakfast was actually 15 minutes later today so I got a little bit more sleep then the previous days. Today at breakfast however Doc bought us these really big and tasty donuts. This morning we had our...

BVI Day 5

Today I finally felt back to normal. After we woke up and went to breakfast, we boarded the boat for the last time on the trip to head out to the R.M.S. Rhone. At first, the currents were too strong to dive the Rhone, so we moved on to the shark dive from yesterday. We saw one nurse shark...

BVI Day 6

On the last day, we went to Soldier Bay to pick up trash along the rocks. In no time, we had many bags full of trash, with the bed of Casey's truck filled. In the end, we filled up the bed three times with trash bags and larger pieces of trash. I was shocked at how people would just...

Day One

The first day of the marine biology trip has already surpassed all of my expectations. The sun was already up when I woke up around 5:45. After a quick briefing of hotel rules, the group set out for the docks to eat breakfast and prepare for our dives. On the way out to our first dive site, our vessel,...

Second Day in the BVI: Turtle Tagging and Snorkeling

Another 6:45 wake up to go get breakfast. We headed to the teachers cabin for muffins and amazing eggs and sausage. After a quick meeting we headed de down to the office for a lesson on sea turtles. After this we split into 2 groups my group first went snorkeling for invertebrates. After finding a collection of slugs...

Marine Bio 2 Day 3

Today's activities were turtle tagging, studying invertabrets, and a team challenge on the beach. We started with a lecture over turtle biology and populations all over the world by Dr. Shannon Gore, a Dallas native who used to live just a few miles from Jesuit. We learned how the practices of turtle hunting, regulation, and egg collection positively and...

Introduction Post

Hello, I am Teddy Wagner. During my marine biology experience, I am most excited for the ability to dive and research in a place I have never been before, as well as the opportunity to become closer to some of my Jesuit brothers. 

Blog Entry: 4 July, 2016

Today easily ranks as one of the most diverting days of my young life, as I was granted the amazing opportunity to experience the natural wonders of the eastern Caribbean. On the immeasurably awesome Seadragon, captained by the Hulky Hungarian divemaster Zoltán, in all of his Magyar glory, we set sail for the minor islands that approximate Virgin Gorda....