Home Authors Articles by Matt Androvett '18

Matt Androvett '18


Day 6

Today is the last of the trip. We woke up and ate breakfast at the staff's cabin. It was cereal and protein bars. After which our driver picked up the group to head down to the school to do work. We went to work first shoveling gravel into a plant display followed by dirt. I used the time to...

Day 5

Today began just like last morning with an early wake up and breakfast at the other students cabin, today alamander. I woke with a sunburn scratching my back and my shirt scratched my burn. We headed down to glen, we weren't late. We went first to scuba at the octopus site where they sank the Queen Kodiak. Then we...

Day 4

Today we woke extra early to provide food for our fellow travelers in the form of cereal, protein bars, and honey buns. We got up at 8:15 and made sure to show the cabin pride by spelling lime time in cereal boxes and protein bar. After that we went to the wifi room to get a briefing on the...

Day 3

Today we woke up, on the third day, and were exhausted. I was still happy to go diving but was tired on the boat after climbing up from the water. While we scuba dived, though, I couldn't have been having more fun. Today we saw a ray swimming by as we were about 80 meters down. We did one...

Day 2

Today my phone was dead for most of the day my phone had no charge so I couldn't take pictures, but, we had a very interesting day, particularly for the marine 2 class. We went down to ginger island and on the way saw dolphins jumping near us while we were on the boat. After going down we saw...

Day 1

Today after a good nights sleep we went too two different dive sites after eating at 7:15 and being introduced to the rooster. For me I was worried about being ready to scuba as I hadn't gone in an area like the ocean and had not gone scuba diving for a year. But, my worry was relieved as we...

Matt Androvett

I'm most excited about learning about fire coral in the research project.