Today was the first time we went on our project dive. We went on two dives this morning to collect data for our presentation, which we have to present on Saturday. Basically, we dove down to record data off squirrel fish from low coral coverage and high coral coverage. I enjoyed the dive and I had fun swimming around...
Day 3
Day three has been just as amazing as every other day. This morning was a rough start the alarm was slept through by me and that meant we got to breakfast late. The breakfast was good just cereal and muffins. After breakfast we headed to the doc to get with our dive instructors. Ben our instructor helped us get...
Marine Biology, Blog #3
We started our day by eating breakfast in mango cabin. Then we got on Glen's taxi and headed to the marina. All of our dives today were scheduled to be research dives and we went out to do our dives. The first two locations we went to had a strong current so we couldn't dive them but the third...
BVI Day 2
The night was uneventful except for the rain. It was pouring throughout the night, and the rain kept bouncing off of the blinds and hitting me in the face. But, when I woke up at about 6:10 it was sunny and I was ready for the new day.We began our day with breakfast at the chaperones' cabin. The egg...
Marine Bio 2: Aquatic Boogaloo; Day 2
Today set the bar high for the rest if the trip. First, we got up to see an informative presentation on sea turtle conservation. We then split off into our boat groups; while one boat went to try and tag sea turtles, we went down to the shore to learn about reef invertebrates. After snorkeling for a bit, I...
Day 2
Today was another great day in the British Virgin Islands. Today in the morning my boat went to do invertebrate studies while the other boat went to do turtle tagging. For invertebrate studies we went to Savannah Bay beach. This beach had perfectly clear water and reefs just right of the shoreline. We saw lettuce sea slugs, rock boaring...
Day Two
Today began with delicious sausage and eggs prepared by the teachers. Around eight o'clock, the group traveled down to the commissary for a brief lecture on the history of sea turtle conservation and protection given by the brilliant Dr. Gore. The Sea Monkey crew left to try to catch turtles first while our far superior group, set out to...
Day 2 in the BVIs
Well, waking up on a beautiful island wasn't the worst way to start the day:). Breakfast started at 7:15 at the teacher cabin with eggs/sausage, muffins and yogurt. After a quick meal we headed to the conference from to discuss sea turtles with a professional. We learned the threats posed against sea turtles and how to catch and tag...
BVI Blog 2 Luke Lewis
Today was a good day. We woke up bright and early then headed over to Hibiscus cabin for breakfast. Once we were fed, group Sea Dragon ( the one that I am in) headed to the tide pools to snorkel and catch small sea creatures. We found a giant hermit crab and a few r After we snorkeled for...