Chris Ayres

I am taking Marine Bio 2 because I really enjoyed Marine Biology last year! I want to continue scuba diving throughout the rest of my life as a hobby and hopefully retire as a dive instructor one day.

Luke Kelley

I decided to sign up for the marine biology class because I really like the ocean.

Why did I take this course?

I took this course because I took Marine Biology 1 last year and I wanted to continue to study the course materials and see the improvement of the coral that our group transplanted last year. I also am fascinated by the ocean and love to study the fish and microscopic organisms that make it up.

Chandler Clark

There are several reasons that I am wanting to go back on the Marine Biology trip. The first is obviously having the opportunity to spend a week on a picturesque island, but more importantly to see how our reef has progressed. I am also looking forward to spending time with my peers who share an interest in diving and...

Day 6 – Merkel

Our final day in the British Virgin Islands started off slowly with a late breakfast at the chaperones villa. Apples, granola bars, and yogurt were the fuel to power our service activity at a local beach. The always friendly taxi driver, Glen, drove us to a neighborhood where we walked a precipitous trail down to the edge of a...

First Day in BVI

The morning of my first day in BVI was brutal because I barely got any sleep, and I didn't get much sleep because of these two reasons: I was jetlag from arriving from Hawaii literally the night before, and the room was as humid as Satan's sauna. I woke up bright and early at 6:20am, not because of the...

Days 3 & 4 – Eagle Rays, Baths, and Seasickness

Yesterday and today were extremely full days. We started off these busy 48 hours with a lesson on turtles from Dr. Gore. She first discussed the different types of sea turtle species found in the BVI, like the leatherback, green, and hawksbill turtles. She also showed us both how they are endangered and how research is conducted on them....

Luke Gomez – BVI – Day 1

After a long day of traveling yesterday, I woke up at about 6:45, anxious to start the day and begin a great adventure. Everyone waited at the cattle guard outside of our homes for the ride to breakfast to begin our lesson over the marine life in BVI. We debated over current events regarding marine life as well as...