First Day of Diving
After a full day of traveling by plane, boat and bus, I was ecstatic to begin diving. When my roommates: Luke, Jackson, Chase and Sean, and I woke up, we immediately got ready for the day. However, before we could begin diving, we had to first attend a small introductory class in order to recall all of the different...
Day One Marine Biology- Holtz
On my first day in BVI, I woke up to the sound of a rooster crowing, a sound interestingly more soothing than an alarm clock. Shortly afterwards, I and the rest of the people on the trip headed to a large, delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, and assorted fruits. During breakfast, we were warmly greeted by Casey, Jeff, Jeremy,...
Jimmy Merkel
So why did I decide to join the Marine Biology Course for the summer of 2014? I'm a teenager. I'm young. Maybe naive. Attend high school. And don't yet have to pay for taxes or housing. This part of my life is to experience things and go on adventures before I get all old and wrinkly. So I am...
First Post
There reason I wish to take this course is because I feel that it would be a wonderful experience for me to learn about the different creatures in the sea while also doing my part in order to protect their environment.
Chandler Clark
There are several reasons that I am wanting to go back on the Marine Biology trip. The first is obviously having the opportunity to spend a week on a picturesque island, but more importantly to see how our reef has progressed. I am also looking forward to spending time with my peers who share an interest in diving and...
Why I decided to take marine biology
I decided to take marine biology because i thought it would be beneficial to take a summer course to get a free period senior year i also love scuba diving so i decided to get the credit not to only help boost my GPA but to give me a study hall to study for classes. This was a great...
Edward Ryan Roxas Talatala
I'm taking marine bio bc my friends recommended it to me, saying that it's the most fun course and is actually interesting.
Riley Slusher
I took this course because of my experience with the course and the trip last year. It was such an incredible experience that I wanted to do it again. I also am fascinated with marine biology and really enjoy learni new things about marine life and the ocean as a whole. I think my experience last year is what...