Fish Identification in the BVI

Last night my classmates and I were able to get more sleep. We all got accustomed to the small bugs, and the rooster surprisingly did not wake us up at 5:30. We all got up, put on our swimsuits, and headed down for breakfast. The breakfast was great and got us going for our tour down The Baths, which...

Video Footage From Day 3

Video footage of our time at the beautiful Savannah Bay and Turtle Tagging with Dr. Gore!

Christian Taylor

1. I love marine biology and have read about the ocean since I was young 2. None, lots of snorkeling 3. Seeing all the diversity and organisms I've never seen before

Nothing like a “Bath” with the Fishes

Today was another fantastic day! I woke up at around 7:20 this morning, which was nice. I guess I am progressively adapting to the warm, humid environment. We came down to the cattle guard and then went over to the Internet cafe to grab breakfast. For breakfast I had Pops, banana bread (which was like cake), yogurt, and a...

Day 4+5: Coral, Night Snorkeling, and Frisbee

So Saturday began like everyday, Chatty, the rooster that currently holds the title "Bane of My Existence," crowed at around 6:45, waking me up, and preventing me from getting those last 15 minutes of sleep, the only minutes that really count. To no avail, I lied down until the alarm rang at 7, trying my hardest to get those...

Dylan Roberts

1. I chose to partake in Marine Biology because it a unique class that offers once in a lifetime experiences, such as diving in the BVI. Also, marine biology is something that we do not learn too much of throughout school, and because I find it very interesting and fascinating, I want to learn more about it and study...

Islands and the Wide Open Ocean

Long day of travel yesterday but I enjoyed the company of my classmates. Despite the long day of travel, I had a hard time falling asleep due to the anticipation of today's activities and the wildlife welcoming us (not so) graciously. Sleeping here is different than back home, mainly the sun rising at 5:30 and the rooster outside our...

BVI days 4-5: Night and Day

The day began with a hearty breakfast of cereal and granola bars, after which we loaded up the boat and headed out to Jesuit Reef for our day of coral planting. First we had to scout out some areas of coral to fragment and replant in our reef. We looked for bleached coral, preferably separated from the rest of...

The Beginning of Paradise

The first night was a late night because I couldn't fall asleep because I couldn't stop thinking about the next day. I was looking forward to it so much that I just laid in bed for hours just starting at the ceiling fan going around and around. Later on however I was just so exhausted that I passed out...