Sam Starr '19
BVI – Day 6
Today, after we woke up at 7:30 and ate breakfast, we drove to the local high school to help clean up the area around what was to be the new library. Casey had told us that the school experienced several problems the previous school year regarding the students, and it made me truly appreciate my own school and the...
BVI – Day 5
Today, for our first dive, we went to the Kodiak Queen shipwreck and explored the rooms inside. After exploring it for around 30 minutes we resurfaced and drove to Biras Creek to observe the mangrove trees. Our dive instructors gave us a quick lesson on the different purposes mangrove trees serve on the island and told us that they...
BVI – Day 4
To help tag and track sea turtles in the British Virgin Islands, we snorkeled at Mount Trunk, searching for any type of sea turtle to capture using the techniques tought to us by Dr. Gore. Dr. Gore has dedicated her life to help preserve any marine life that may be threatened. With the help of her presentation, Dr. Gore...
BVI – Day 3
To continue our research and further prove our hypothesis that parrot fish visit cleaning stations far less than other fish, my group conducted more observations at two different dive sights: George Dog Island and "The Chimney". To cover different types of cleaner fish such as shrimp, we searched for about 15 minutes throughout the coral for a cleaning station...
BVI – Day 2
Today we conducted our research projects and tested our hypothesis during our dives at both sides of Ginger island to see if parrot fish visit "cleaning stations" - an area in the coral reefs with dense groups of cleaner fish that remove parasites and other harmful organisms from larger fish - less frequently than other fish. From our dives,...
BVI – Day 1
After waking up at seven o'clock, we walked over to the chaperone hut to eat breakfast. Next came our first ocean water dive at the island Bronco Billy, which went swimmingly... I had never seen clearer water or more vibrantly colored marine life. Our first dive came to a close, and we swam to the surface for a between...